Remove Flash Of Unstyled Content (FOUC) using emotion and nextjs

Written on Mar 4 2023
updated on Mar 12 2023
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emotion css logo
nextjs logo

Flash Of Unstyled Content (FOUC) is when a website is loading and the user can briefly see the page unstyled. I was experiencing this using NextJS 13.2.3 and the cause was a missing `_document.js` file to integrate emotion caching properly on the server side.

I had noticed this page flicker when I originally deployed. It was when I saw it disorient a user of the site that I decided to fix it. This effect may be larger on a slower connection.

FOUC of before adding _document.js filea momentary flicker with proper stylingafter a second the style would finally load
You will notice a slight flicker at the start

This one took me a while to narrow it down to the Emotion cache being the problem. Turns out I was missing a vital step that takes place in the _document.js file. You need to add this: