Write a blog post every week

Written on Feb 4 2024

In order for something to become a habit you need to do it habitually. Fairly simple right? After looking back at my blogging frequency over the past year I did not do so hot as far as statistics. I was busy becoming a homeowner, which we will get to later. Despite life's many challenges I thought it would be a nice test to see how many weeks I can write a post per week.

Originally, I thought "hey! how about a post per day" but quickly realized the effort that goes into a post. Most of my posts are fairly straight-forward, simple, and to the point.. but you want to have some substance.

It is important to build up a large catalog of blog posts. This will provide its own sets of upsites and downsides. Now you will need to give the users a way to search all of these posts. The good news is that you will shortly have a large body of your own work to reference. "Remember that time I changed that light bulb?"

Sometimes it can be hard to get started when you don't know what to write about. It may seem obvious, but just write about anything you are doing. What did you do today? What plans do you have? Do you have a dream?

You can use the camera roll from your phone or your last major purchase. It is easy to write about concrete things from real life.

While you are learning about a new subject you can document the process. This will not only serve as a reference, but also it may help others who read it.

This exercise does not have to be all about generating new posts.. you can also go back and update some of your old work. You would be surprised what a set of more experienced eyes will see.

Set time aside, but don't stress out if you can't make time this week. This should be a fun exercise for you, so don't hesitate to take some time off.

This way if you run out on steam with a current post you have been writing, you can change your focus for a while. Don't worry about letting posts go to the boneyard... not all ideas are good. Be careful that you do produce some content instead of a lot of half finished products. Quality over quantity... said tongue in cheek with the state of my site.

In the end what I really wanted this post to be called was "publishing a blog post every week". This week I started writing a few other posts, but nothing that I was able to finish in my made up deadline.